Infatuation Scripts – 3 Ways To Make Him Love You Like Crazy

Make any man yours for life

By Clayton Max, the Author of Infatuation Scripts.

Are you falling head over heels for a special guy ? Is your mind overwhelmed with love and affection for him, but you don’t know how to express it?

Possibly you’re anxious that he might find you too overbearing and withdraw , or maybe you’re imagining that he’ll be drawn into someone else ‘s heart .

Whatever the scenario , I have 3 incredible techniques to help him experience an extreme , all consuming desire to have you in his life .

# 1. Gradually Work Your Way Into His Heart

A lot of women presume that guys expect to sleep with a woman as quick as they can . But in my own research , I identified that you’re more likely to build long-lasting love by being good friends with him first .

Now, I understand that might seem counter intuitive because this could get you banished to the “Friend Zone”. Yet the idea here is to not jump in bed as soon as possible but take a longer-term approach and artfully draw it out a little while .

Believe it or not , men want the sweet torment of the “slow burn”.

By following these steps , you can skillfully continue this seduction till his mind reaches a point that he can’t stand being ‘just good friends ‘ with you any longer .

He’ll soon want to take your friendship to the next level.

Discover The ‘Psychological Triggers’ To Turn on a Guy ‘s Infatuation Impulse

# 2. Win Him Over With Words

A strong connection develops when two people have a routine of communicating in a mild , caring manner .

Make any man yours

Of course, in every-day life this isn’t always the case , especially when opinions differ .

But for the most part, a relationship grows when the focus is more on words of affirmation than hostility or criticism .

That’s the reason why a guy is more inclined to react positively to a partner that acknowledges his positive traits and then affirms them with words of positive affirmation .

As an example , you can easily highlight how dashing he looks wearing his favorite jeans , or even simply the way he remembers all that Star Wars trivia .

Think about the characteristics you admire in him, and make sure to let him know .

Use These Scripts To Activate A Man’s Infatuation Instinct And Experience The Dramatic

Difference In How He Responds To You

# 3. Make Use Of The Right Body Language

Maybe you’ve noticed how some partners seem to perfectly complement one another ? I’m speaking about the manner in which they complete each other ‘s sentences or already know what the other person is feeling without saying a single word .

Probably you’ve observed this uncommon quality in close couples , whether it’s your friend or colleague with her hubby or even your 90-year old grandparents. They seem to simply naturally connect on a deep, unspoken level of understanding .

If you’d like to emulate that connection and set the tone for you and your man , start with body language .

Obviously , a long-term relationship requires you to develop a connection through mutual growth and so forth . Yet matching his facial expressions , for example , is a great way to lay down the groundwork .

Make him sure

For example , when you’re out on a date with him and he’s having fun , he will probably be wearing a content and engaged look on his beautiful face.

In this moment you would match the brightness of his smile and, quickly , that will allow you to create an emotional connection with him. It’s nothing but remarkable , and it will certainly feel that way .

The moment you start using these strategies , you begin moving your partnership on a far better path . Use these as practices you can take as part of your day-to-day life , like making deposits in a bank .

Pretty soon , your partnership is going to be abundant with love and there will be a lot of it to go around for decades into the future .

But , did you know that you can also whisper a couple of special key phrases to a guy and make him instantly fall in love with you even HARDER? It seems crazy , yet there is a mix of words that can essentially change a man ‘s emotional state and create powerful feelings of passion for you.

The truth is that it’s based on an odd psychological principle . Absolutely any girl can apply this through a mix of particular words that will produce a powerful effect on the way he considers you.

It’s practically like re-wiring his mind so that he can not imagine spending the rest of his life with anyone else but you. Truthfully , it’s a level of devotion that’s almost scary.

If you’re ready for this sort of dedication , however, you can learn the secrets to this method right here:

How To Use Infatuation Scripts To Make Him Sure That You Are The One For Him

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